.284 Cal 150 Gr. SBT GameKing
Bullets, Hunt Specialty, RifleFor rifles chambered in 7mm cartridges, this bullet has the heavy, double-tapered Sierra jacket for hunting. The 150 grain #1913 Spitzer Boat Tail bullet is a little heavier and thus provides a high ballistic coefficient compared to the 140 grain bullet. It is an excellent choice as a lighter bullet in any of the 7mm magnum cartridges for use at medium to long ranges. Both bullets are superbly accurate and provide excellent expansion with good penetration on medium game at ranges to 500 yards. In handguns the 150 grain #1913 bullet is considered too "tough" for smaller cartridges, such as the 7mm TCU and 7mm BR. However, these bullets are seeing much use in the Remington XP-100 chambered for the 7mm-08 Remington or in similar cartridge/handgun combinations for both target shooting and hunting applications. This bullet is a good choices when driven at 2500 fps or more for medium or large game at typical handgun ranges. Using this bullet for hunting is limited to muzzle velocities achievable with only a select few cartridge and handgun combinations, but no such restrictions apply to target use. This bullet can be used in all 7mm cartridges for target shooting. The #1913 was introduced in 1987.$54.99 -
Sold out
.284 Cal 160 Gr. SBT GameKing
Bullets, Hunt Specialty, RifleFor rifles, the 160 grain #1920 Spitzer Boat Tail is a long-range big game bullet offering exceptional accuracy, good ballistic coefficient, flat trajectory, and high retained energies downrange. It can be used in all 7mm rifle cartridges, but is most useful in the magnums. In handguns, only the 160 grain #1920 bullet is recommended for hunting, and only in cartridges like the 7mm-08 Remington that can push this bullet at a muzzle velocity of at least 2400 fps. The 160 grain #1920 bullet is a fine choice for handgun silhouettes and long-range target shooting, where superb accuracy, high momentum and low sensitivity to crosswinds are required downrange. This bullet can be used in all 7mm cartridges for silhouettes and target shooting.$53.99 -
.284 Cal 160 Gr. HPBT GameKing
Bullets, Hunt Specialty, RifleThe 160 grain #1925 Hollow Point Boat Tail is a true magnum bullet, being somewhat "tougher" than the #1920 for deeper penetration. Contrary to a usual assumption, this hollow point bullet is not particularly fragile. The nose opening is closed slightly to help retard initial upset, but even expansion is assured by four skives cut into the jacket. Of course, there is no exposed lead to be deformed in the magazine. The result is an excellent bullet for many big game applications. The 160 grain #1925 bullet is far too "hard" for hunting with a handgun. This bullet can be used in all 7mm cartridges for silhouettes and target shooting. The #1925 was introduced in 1988.$55.99 -
.284 Cal 175 Gr. SBT GameKing
Bullets, Hunt Specialty, RifleFor rifles, this 175 grain #1940 Spitzer Boat Tail bullet is an excellent choice for most large game hunting applications. It has a heavy, double-tapered jacket and a special alloy core to ensure deep penetration and good expansion on the heaviest North American game and on heavy African plains game. It has the same basic ballistic shape as Sierra's famous 168 grain 7mm MatchKing bullet. Accuracy of this hunting bullet approaches that of the MatchKing, making this the best long-range big game bullet for any of the 7mm magnum cartridges. It is also used successfully in centerfire rifle silhouette matches. In handguns, the 175 grain #1940 bullet is recommended for hunting only in cartridges like the 7mm-08 Remington in the Remington XP-100 single-shot handgun, which can push this bullet at a muzzle velocity of 2300 fps. This bullet is also a fine choice for handgun silhouettes and long-range target shooting, where superb accuracy, high momentum and low sensitivity to crosswinds are required downrange. These bullets can be used in all 7mm cartridges for silhouettes and target shooting, although they may be too heavy for the cartridges of smaller powder capacity.$60.99 -
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.30 Cal 150 Gr. FN (30-30)
Bullets, Hunt Specialty, In-stock, RifleIn rifles, this bullet was designed for the venerable 30-30 Winchester cartridge, and features a jacket tailored specifically to 30-30 velocities. The cannelure on each bullet is precisely located to provide the proper over-all-length (OAL) for fast, trouble-free feeding. The bullet weight performs admirably on deer-sized game and is suited to larger deer and black bear at shorter ranges. PowerJacket construction assures reliable expansion with good penetration. Though designed for the 30-30 cartridge, the use of these bullets is not restricted to that cartridge. In fact, these bullets are very effective in any 30 caliber cartridge if a muzzle velocity level of 2500 to 2600 fps is not exceeded. In handguns, these bullets are suitable for some cartridges because they were designed for the velocities of the venerable 30-30 Winchester cartridge. Specifically, these bullets are suitable for any handgun cartridge that will produce 2200 to 2500 fps at the muzzle. They are suitable for all game, from varmints to large game, such as elk, if the bullet weight is matched to game weight. These are short-range bullets due to their nose design and will be suitable only when maximum ranges do not exceed 125 to 150 yards. Sierra's unique Power Jacket design assures uniform bullet upset and expansion at this velocity level with traditional Sierra accuracy. The #2000 was introduced in 1959.$47.99 -
.30 Cal 170 Gr. FN (30-30)
Bullets, Hunt Specialty, RifleIn rifles, this bullet was designed for the venerable 30-30 Winchester cartridge, and features a jacket tailored specifically to 30-30 velocities. The cannelure on each bullet is precisely located to provide the proper over-all-length (OAL) for fast, trouble-free feeding. The bullet weight performs admirably on deer-sized game and is suited to larger deer and black bear at shorter ranges. PowerJacket construction assures reliable expansion with good penetration. Though designed for the 30-30 cartridge, the use of these bullets is not restricted to that cartridge. In fact, these bullets are very effective in any 30 caliber cartridge if a muzzle velocity level of 2500 to 2600 fps is not exceeded. In handguns, these bullets are suitable for some cartridges because they were designed for the velocities of the venerable 30-30 Winchester cartridge. Specifically, these bullets are suitable for any handgun cartridge that will produce 2200 to 2500 fps at the muzzle. They are suitable for all game, from varmints to large game, such as elk, if the bullet weight is matched to game weight. These are short-range bullets due to their nose design and will be suitable only when maximum ranges do not exceed 125 to 150 yards. Sierra's unique Power Jacket design assures uniform bullet upset and expansion at this velocity level with traditional Sierra accuracy. The #2010 was introduced in 1959.$50.99 -
.30 Cal 125 Gr. HP/FN (30-30)
Bullets, Hunt Specialty, RifleIn rifles, this bullet was designed for the venerable 30-30 Winchester cartridge, and features a jacket tailored specifically to 30-30 velocities. The cannelure on each bullet is precisely located to provide the proper over-all-length (OAL) for fast, trouble-free feeding. The bullet weight performs admirably on deer-sized game and is suitable for varmints as well. PowerJacket construction assures reliable expansion with good penetration. Though designed for the 30-30 cartridge, the use of these bullets is not restricted to that cartridge. In fact, these bullets are very effective in any 30 caliber cartridge if a muzzle velocity level of 2500 to 2600 fps is not exceeded. In handguns, this bullet is suitable for some cartridges because they were designed for the velocities of the venerable 30-30 Winchester cartridge. Specifically, this bullet is suitable for any handgun cartridge that will produce 2200 to 2500 fps at the muzzle. They are suitable for all game, from varmints to large game, such as elk, if the bullet weight is matched to game weight. These are short-range bullets due to their nose design and will be suitable only when maximum ranges do not exceed 125 to 150 yards. Sierra's unique Power Jacket design assures uniform bullet upset and expansion at this velocity level with traditional Sierra accuracy.$44.99 -
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.30 Cal 110 Gr. RN Pro-Hunter
Bullets, Hunt Specialty, RifleThese rifle bullets were designed specifically for proper feeding in the 30 M1 Carbine. The 110 grain Roundnose #2100 is a soft point expanding bullet that expands reliably at carbine velocities. This bullet can be used in all 30 caliber cartridges (at reduced velocities) for small game. In handguns of 30 caliber, these bullets are best suited for informal target shooting or varmints at close range.$43.99 -
.30 Cal 110 Gr. HP Varminter
Bullets, Hunt Specialty, RifleThere is only one 30 caliber Varminter rifle bullet in Sierra's line. This 110 grain #2110 Hollow Point also is the largest caliber Varminter bullet in Sierra's line. It will withstand exceptionally high velocities and can be loaded in all 30 caliber cartridges, including magnums. It is extremely accurate and has been used by some Hunter Benchrest competitors. It offers explosive expansion on varmints and small game at velocities achievable with the full range of 30 caliber cartridges. This is an ideal bullet to choose for off-season practice on varmints with any 30 caliber hunting rifle. In handguns, Sierra's Hollow Point construction in the 110 grain #2110 bullet guarantees expansion, even at moderate velocity levels. Expansion will not be explosive but is acceptable for varmints and small game. Capable of extraordinary accuracy, this is an excellent light bullet for most 30 caliber single shot pistols. The #2110 was introduced in 1958.$36.99 -
.30 Cal 125 Gr. SPT Pro-Hunter
Bullets, Hunt Specialty, RifleThe 125 grain #2120 has a medium-weight tapered jacket. It is very destructive at high velocity and is an excellent long-range varmint bullet. When loaded to medium velocity, it is an excellent low-recoil hunting bullet suited to medium game. The #2120 bullet is especially well suited to Hunter Benchrest, where it has become very popular. Reliable expansion and deep penetration blended with Sierra's classic Spitzer flatbase profile makes these the bullets of choice with many 30 caliber riflemen. For handguns, Sierra's Pro-Hunter design is generally considered too "hard" for all but the most powerful of the 30 caliber handgun cartridges. The #2120 can be used for medium game at 30-30 level velocities when loaded at or near maximum levels. This is an excellent target bullet and has been used with great success. The 125 grain #2120 bullet will prove too light for the 200-meter rams in Handgun Silhouettes, but is a good choice for the smaller, lighter chickens, turkeys and pigs. Due to their flat base design, Pro-Hunter bullets are an excellent choice for a cartridge with limited powder capacity and a short neck, because these bullets intrude into the powder space less than a boat tail.$45.99 -
.30 Cal 150 Gr. RN Pro-Hunter
Bullets, Hunt Specialty, In-stock, RifleIn rifle cartridges, these bullets are highly recommended when good expansion and deep penetration in medium and heavy game are required at short to medium ranges. These bullets give pinpoint accuracy because of their short lengths for their weights. This short length for a given weight allows a rifle barrel to stabilize a considerably heavier round-nose bullet than would be possible with a Spitzer-pointed bullet of the same weight, which would be considerably longer. If the shots are fast and at short ranges or the game is big and dangerous, these are the bullets to choose. The 150 grain #2135 is ideal for quick shots at whitetails or smaller black bears in heavy cover. In handguns, these bullets should be considered nonexpanding in game at normal handgun velocities. They may prove useful in situations where a heavy bullet is needed but twist rate is marginally slow, such as Handgun Silhouettes where momentum is more important than expansion. The shorter length for a given weight of each of these bullets, compared to longer Spitzer-shaped bullets of the same weights, may provide superior stability and accuracy in some handguns.$49.99 -
.30 Cal 200 Gr. SBT GameKing
Bullets, Hunt Specialty, RifleFor rifles in 30 caliber, these bullets are designed for medium- to long-range hunting with cartridges having medium to large case capacities for powder. These bullets often display match grade accuracy from accurate hunting rifles. The famous Sierra Spitzer Boat Tail shape assures flat trajectory, excellent resistance to crosswinds and vertical winds, and maximum energy delivery to the target. Good penetration and expansion are characteristic of these bullets even at the reduced impact velocities at long range. With the weight range available, at least one of these bullets will prove ideal for almost any 30 caliber cartridge. The 200 grain #2165 have no restrictions for large game but are best when fired at maximum hunting velocities. The 200 grain #2165 has the highest ballistic coefficient of all 30 caliber hunting bullets for unmatched long-range performance. The 200 grain #2165 bullets are recommended for the various 30 caliber magnum cartridges. In handguns chambering 30 caliber cartridges, prior to the introduction of the Remington Model XP-100 (and similar handgun designs) utilizing larger rifle cartridges, the usefulness of these bullets was limited. Now, these bullets have a very definite niche as superbly accurate hunting bullets. Previously considered "too hard" for expansion, they perform well at the 2500 fps muzzle velocities achievable in the 308 Winchester and larger cartridges. Ease of loading and precise concentricity contributes to their excellent accuracy. Sierra's Spitzer Boat Tail design assures flat trajectory and high energy delivery downrange with low sensitivity to crosswinds and vertical winds. These bullets are suitable for varmints through large game at all ranges a prudent handgunner would normally attempt. The 200 grain #2165 bullets are favorites of the silhouette shooters and long-range competitors, but are too "hard" for most hunting applications.$62.99 -
.30 Cal 180 Gr. RN Pro-Hunter
Bullets, Hunt Specialty, RifleIn rifle cartridges, these bullets are highly recommended when good expansion and deep penetration in medium and heavy game are required at short to medium ranges. These bullets give pinpoint accuracy because of their short lengths for their weights. This short length for a given weight allows a rifle barrel to stabilize a considerably heavier roundnose bullet than would be possible with a Spitzer-pointed bullet of the same weight, which would be considerably longer. If the shots are fast and at short ranges or the game is big and dangerous, these are the bullets to choose. The 180 grain #2170 is suited to larger game but will perform well on larger whitetails. In handguns, these bullets should be considered nonexpanding in game at normal handgun velocities. They may prove useful in situations where a heavy bullet is needed but twist rate is marginally slow, such as Handgun Silhouettes where momentum is more important than expansion. The shorter length for a given weight of each of these bullets, compared to longer Spitzer-shaped bullets of the same weights, may provide superior stability and accuracy in some handguns. The #2170 was introduced in 1961.$52.99 -
.30 Cal 220 Gr. RN Pro-Hunter
Bullets, Hunt Specialty, RifleIn rifle cartridges, these bullets are highly recommended when good expansion and deep penetration in medium and heavy game are required at short to medium ranges. These bullets give pinpoint accuracy because of their short lengths for their weights. This short length for a given weight allows a rifle barrel to stabilize a considerably heavier roundnose bullet than would be possible with a Spitzer-pointed bullet of the same weight, which would be considerably longer. If the shots are fast and at short ranges or the game is big and dangerous, these are the bullets to choose. The 220 grain #2180 is the real heavyweight and is suitable for the largest North American game and many African species. In handguns, these bullets should be considered nonexpanding in game at normal handgun velocities. They may prove useful in situations where a heavy bullet is needed but twist rate is marginally slow, such as Handgun Silhouettes where momentum is more important than expansion. The shorter length for a given weight of each of these bullets, compared to longer Spitzer-shaped bullets of the same weights, may provide superior stability and accuracy in some handguns. The #2180 was introduced in 1961.$58.99 -
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303 Cal 150 Gr. SPT Pro-Hunter
Bullets, Hunt Specialty, In-stock, RifleThese bullets utilize the nominal 30 caliber dimensions common to the martial arms of several foreign entities. Most of these have found their way to the United States as either war trophies or were imported as military surplus in recent years. These include the British Lee-Enfields, the late-war Japanese Arisakas, the Russian Moisin-Nagants, SKS and AK-47s and their various clones from former Soviet bloc countries. The cartridges associated with these weapons are the 303 British, the 7.7mm Arisaka, the 7.62x54R and, of course, the ubiquitous 7.62x39mm. Most of these guns use a .311" diameter projectile but it is prudent to slug the bore if any doubt exists. Given the wartime production conditions and occasionally questionable pedigrees of some of these rifles, this procedure is a worthwhile investment. Many of these rifles are capable of delivering decent accuracy and are powerful enough to serve for use on big game. This bullet adds some much needed versatility to these often overlooked but very capable cartridges for hunting. Positive feed characteristics are required for all semi-automatic rifles using the 7.62x39mm cartridge, and Sierra's profiled ogive point shape provides flawless functioning. The 150 grain #2300 has Sierra's unique double taper heavy jacket and Spitzer profile. They have excellent accuracy, together with deep penetration and excellent expansion on medium and large game. The Spitzer shape provides a flat trajectory and high energy delivered downrange. These bullets are suitable for all of the larger .311 inch diameter service cartridges, such as the 303 British, 7.7mm Arisaka and 7.65mm Mauser.$51.99 -
303 Cal 125 Gr. SPT Pro-Hunter
Bullets, Hunt Specialty, In-stock, RifleThese bullets utilize the nominal 30 caliber dimensions common to the martial arms of several foreign entities. Most of these have found their way to the United States as either war trophies or were imported as military surplus in recent years. These include the British Lee-Enfields, the late-war Japanese Arisakas, the Russian Moisin-Nagants, SKS and AK-47s and their various clones from former Soviet bloc countries. The cartridges associated with these weapons are the 303 British, the 7.7mm Arisaka, the 7.62x54R and, of course, the ubiquitous 7.62x39mm. Most of these guns use a .311" diameter projectile but it is prudent to slug the bore if any doubt exists. Given the wartime production conditions and occasionally questionable pedigrees of some of these rifles, this procedure is a worthwhile investment. Many of these rifles are capable of delivering decent accuracy and are powerful enough to serve for use on big game. The 125 grain #2305 Spitzer Pro-Hunter bullet was designed as a hunting bullet for the Russian 7.62x39mm cartridge. It is also very useful as a light game or varmint bullet in the larger .311 diameter cartridges, such as the 303 British, 7.65 Mauser and 7.7 Japanese. This bullet adds some much needed versatility to these often overlooked but very capable cartridges for hunting. Positive feed characteristics are required for all semi-automatic rifles using the 7.62x39mm cartridge, and Sierra's profiled ogive point shape provides flawless functioning. They have excellent accuracy, together with deep penetration and excellent expansion on medium and large game. The Spitzer shape provides a flat trajectory and high energy delivered downrange. These bullets are suitable for all of the larger .311 inch diameter service cartridges, such as the 303 British, 7.7mm Arisaka and 7.65mm Mauser. The #2305 was introduced in 1996.$46.99 -
303 Cal 180 Gr. SPT Pro-Hunter
Bullets, Hunt Specialty, RifleThese bullets utilize the nominal 30 caliber dimensions common to the martial arms of several foreign entities. Most of these have found their way to the United States as either war trophies or were imported as military surplus in recent years. These include the British Lee-Enfields, the late-war Japanese Arisakas, the Russian Moisin-Nagants, SKS and AK-47s and their various clones from former Soviet bloc countries. The cartridges associated with these weapons are the 303 British, the 7.7mm Arisaka, the 7.62x54R and, of course, the ubiquitous 7.62x39mm. Most of these guns use a .311" diameter projectile but it is prudent to slug the bore if any doubt exists. Given the wartime production conditions and occasionally questionable pedigrees of some of these rifles, this procedure is a worthwhile investment. Many of these rifles are capable of delivering decent accuracy and are powerful enough to serve for use on big game. This bullet adds some much needed versatility to these often overlooked but very capable cartridges for hunting. Positive feed characteristics are required for all semi-automatic rifles using the 7.62x39mm cartridge, and Sierra's profiled ogive point shape provides flawless functioning. The 180 grain #2310 bullets both has Sierra's unique double taper heavy jacket and Spitzer profile. They have excellent accuracy, together with deep penetration and excellent expansion on medium and large game. The Spitzer shape provides a flat trajectory and high energy delivered downrange. These bullets are suitable for all of the larger .311 inch diameter service cartridges, such as the 303 British, 7.7mm Arisaka and 7.65mm Mauser.$54.99 -
8mm 150 Gr. SPT Pro-Hunter
Bullets, Hunt Specialty, RifleAll modern 8mm rifles, including all German military arms manufactured since 1905, use .323 inch diameter bullets. However, German military rifles manufactured between 1888 and 1905 used a .318 inch diameter bullet. Many of those rifles were rebarreled to .323 inch bores after 1905, but some rifles of the smaller bore size were brought back from WWI and WWII and still exist. Some German sporting guns, particularly combination guns made until 1938, used 8mm cartridges with .318 inch diameter bullets. Sometimes, a .323 inch diameter bullet can be loaded and fired in a cartridge intended for a .318 inch groove diameter, but dangerously high chamber pressures result. If you do not know that your bore size is .323 inch, slug your barrel before loading .323 inch diameter bullets. There are two Pro-Hunter bullets in .323 inch caliber in Sierra's line and both are the Spitzer type. These 8mm hunting bullets provide exceptional accuracy together with deep penetration and reliable expansion on medium and heavier game. The 150 grain #2400 is an excellent choice for medium game at typical 8mm Mauser velocities, but it will be too destructive when used in the 8mm Remington Magnum.$55.99 -
8mm 175 Gr. SPT Pro-Hunter
Bullets, Hunt Specialty, RifleAll modern 8mm rifles, including all German military arms manufactured since 1905, use .323 inch diameter bullets. However, German military rifles manufactured between 1888 and 1905 used a .318 inch diameter bullet. Many of those rifles were rebarreled to .323 inch bores after 1905, but some rifles of the smaller bore size were brought back from WWI and WWII and still exist. Some German sporting guns, particularly combination guns made until 1938, used 8mm cartridges with .318 inch diameter bullets. Sometimes, a .323 inch diameter bullet can be loaded and fired in a cartridge intended for a .318 inch groove diameter, but dangerously high chamber pressures result. If you do not know that your bore size is .323 inch, slug your barrel before loading .323 inch diameter bullets. There are two Pro-Hunter bullets in .323 inch caliber in Sierra's line and both are the Spitzer type. These 8mm hunting bullets provide exceptional accuracy together with deep penetration and reliable expansion on medium and heavier game. The 175 grain #2410 gives the 8x57mm shooter an excellent big game bullet and is suitable for 8mm magnum cartridges.$58.99 -
8mm 220 Gr. SBT GameKing
Bullets, Hunt Specialty, RifleThe same comment made earlier for the Pro-Hunter bullets concerning the 8mm bore sizes applies here. Be very sure your rifle is bored for bullets of .323 inch diameter. Designed and constructed specifically for the 8mm Remington Magnum, this sleek 220 grain #2420 Spitzer Boat Tail bullet is an outstanding choice for the largest game on the North American continent and for African plains game. This bullet has an extremely heavy, double-tapered jacket for deep, smashing penetration. Sierra's classic SBT shape ensures a flat trajectory, minimum sensitivity to crosswinds and vertical winds, and exceptional accura- cy. It will prove to be too "hard" at 8x57mm velocities, and is not recommend- ed for use in any cartridge producing less than magnum-level velocities$45.99 -
.338 Cal 250 Gr. SBT GameKing
Bullets, Hunt Specialty, RifleThese bullets have been designed for the 338 Winchester Magnum cartridge. This 250 grain #2600 bullet also is ideal for the 340 Weatherby Magnum. Controlled, but reliable expansion and deep penetration are assured by an extra heavy double-tapered jacket in the 250 grain #2600 bullet, and hard core. The Sierra Spitzer Boat Tail shape assures a flat trajectory, minimum wind sensitivity and precise accuracy at long range for both bullets. Hunting rifles have shown extraordinary accuracy with this bullet in spite of the robust recoil of maximum loads. The 250 grain #2600 bullet has proven to be one of the finest 338 caliber hunting bullets in the world for heavy game. Whether the game is western elk or mule deer, Alaskan moose or bears, or African plains game, there simply is no better bullet for a magnum rifle in 338 caliber.$41.99 -
.338 Cal 215 Gr. SBT GameKing
Bullets, Hunt Specialty, RifleThese bullets have been designed for the 338 Winchester Magnum cartridge. Controlled, but reliable expansion and deep penetration are assured by a heavy double-tapered jacket and hard core. The Sierra Spitzer Boat Tail shape assures a flat trajectory, minimum wind sensitivity and precise accuracy at long range for both bullets. The 215 grain #2610 has been designed as a higher-velocity, lighter bullet for the 338 Winchester Magnum, although it is considered light for the 340 Weatherby Magnum. This bullet is suitable for medium through elk-sized game. The #2610 bullet will reliably withstand 338 Winchester Magnum velocities. Shooters using the 338-06 or similar cartridge must keep loads with the 215 grain #2610 bullet near maximum velocity levels for reliable expansion. Hunting rifles have shown extraordinary accuracy with this bullet in spite of the robust recoil of maximum loads.$41.99 -
.338 Cal 225 Gr. SPT Pro-Hunter
Bullets, Hunt Specialty, RifleThe .338 caliber 225 grain SPT Pro-Hunter features a flat base design and the lighter weight of this projectile make it a great choice for medium & large game. Combine that with Sierra's world-renowned accuracy, and you have a perfect choice for those hunters seeking a reduced recoil alternative where a heavier bullet is not required.$46.99 -
.35 Cal 200 Gr. RN Pro-Hunter
Bullets, Hunt Specialty, RifleThis popular bullet was designed for use with the smaller 35 caliber hunting cartridges, and it has proven its worth year after year. It is designed and constructed to perform reliably on medium to large game and give maximum accuracy in cartridges such as the 35 Remington and 358 Winchester. This bullet, with its cannelure for crimping and roundnose configuration, can be used in rifles with tubular magazines. Ranges should be kept less than 150 yards when using the 35 Remington cartridge to ensure expansion in medium game. This very useful bullet takes many medium and big game animals every year, especially in areas where ranges are short to medium distances and fast shots are necessary. For handguns, this bullet is preferred for the 35 Remington and similar cartridges for all game, small through large at short ranges. Range should be kept less than 125 yards to ensure proper bullet performance even with maximum hunting loads. Reduced or moderate loads are not recommended when bullet expansion is required. This is a very accurate bullet that holds its own in the field or on the target range.$32.99 -
Sold out
.35 Cal 225 Gr. SBT GameKing
Bullets, Hunt Specialty, RifleFor rifles, when Remington standardized the popular .35 Whelen wildcat cartridge, Sierra designed the 225 grain #2850 Spitzer Boat Tail bullet for the 35 Whelen and similar cartridges. This bullet has a heavy, double-tapered jacket drawn to very tight tolerances and a special alloy core for deep penetration and good expansion on heavy game. It also has the classic Sierra SBT shape for exceptional ballistic efficiency among 35 caliber bullets. This bullet delivers incredible accuracy and retains velocity and energy exceptionally well downrange. The flat trajectory extends the useful range of all appropriate 35 caliber cartridges and delivers smashing power even at long range. Although not suited for the 35 Remington cartridge, it is well matched to the more potent 358 Winchester and 350 Remington Magnum cartridges, as well as the 35 Whelen. In any of these cartridges, it is appropriate for all North American big game. In handguns, while the 225 grain #2850 Spitzer Boat Tail GameKing bullet is not recommended for hunting due to its extreme toughness, it is still useful to the handgunner. Those hearty silhouette shooters who can't get away from a favorite 357 Herrett or 35 Remington have a streamlined, high ballistic coefficient, low crosswind sensitivity bullet to use at 200 meters. This bullet can be fired at 1700 fps from a T/C Contender with a 10 inch barrel in 357 Herrett or 35 Remington, and it won't leave a ram standing. Also, it is capable of half minute-of-angle accuracy.$43.99 -
.375 Cal 250 Gr. SBT GameKing
Bullets, Hunt Specialty, In-stock, RifleThis heavy bullet has Sierra's classic spitzer boat tail shape for high ballistic coefficient and high ballistic efficiency downrange. It delivers accuracy well under one minute of angle. This bullet has an extremely heavy double-tapered jacket and an extremely hard core for absolute control of expansion on heavy game. It is suitable for all North American big game from elk and moose to the large and dangerous Kodiak bear and suitable for all large thin-skinned African game in rifles firing the 375 H&H Magnum cartridge. The excess velocity of maximum loads in the 378 Weatherby Magnum cartridge makes this bullet too light for close range and dangerous game. However, loaded to the correct velocity levels, this bullet has proven itself in the game fields around the world.$52.99 -
.375 Cal 300 Gr. SBT GameKing
Bullets, Hunt Specialty, RifleThis bullet was developed after extensive research and a year and a half of testing by Sierra, and it exemplifies our commitment to quality and performance of our products. The jacket of this bullet is formed from the heaviest Sierra cup through Sierra's unique four-station draw to very precise dimensions. A very hard 3% antimony lead alloy core is inserted, and the bullet is given the classic Sierra SBT shape. Designed especially for the 375 H&H Magnum cartridge, this bullet has excellent expansion and deep penetration on heavy game at all ranges for a wide variety of hunting situations. Sierra has received many reports of 5-shot groups at 100 yards that measured less than half an inch extreme spread! An exceptionally high ballistic coefficient and smashing down-range performance combine to make this an ideal bullet in a 375 H&H Magnum or 378 Weatherby Magnum for the largest game on the North American continent and for heavy thin-skinned African game.$64.99 -
.458 Cal 300 Gr. HP/FN Pro-Hunter
Bullets, Hunt Specialty, RifleSierra offers a single flatnose bullet in this 45 caliber specifically for the 45-70 bore size. It may be used in rifles or handguns with a .458 inch bore, but it must not be used in handguns with .451 or .454 inch bore size. Sierra introduced this bullet in 1973 - the 100th year of the 45-70 cartridge. Now, decades later, this old cartridge is still growing in popularity and justifiably so. Adequate for any game in North America and offered in several modern firearms, this old cartridge is just plain fun. The bullet is unique in that it expands well at modest 1873 Springfield velocities or at the more powerful full charge velocities that can be loaded in stronger action types, such as the Ruger No. 1 and No. 3 and Marlin lever actions. Accuracy is excellent, and it feeds reliably through all types of magazines and actions. It can be used in the 458 Winchester Magnum cartridge, but muzzle velocities should not exceed 2500 fps. For handguns, this bullet was designed to expand reliably even at 1300 fps. It is a perfect match for the T/C Contenders and similar handguns chambered for the 45-70 cartridge. Dependable expansion and excellent accuracy make this Pro-Hunter bullet a good choice for most hunting situations.$41.99 -
Sold out
.243 Cal 60 Gr. HP Varminter
Bullets, Hunt Specialty, In-stock, RifleFor rifles in 6mm caliber, deadly Hollow Point construction and legendary Sierra accuracy combine to make this bullet an outstanding choice for most varmint hunting Designed for high velocities, this bullet features a gaping hollow point to ensure positive expansion even at long range. For handguns, as the Varminter name implies, this is an excellent varmint and small game bullet. The Varminter construction lends itself well to the velocities attainable with cartridges such as the 6mm TCU, 6mm PPC and 6mm BR. This Sierra bullet features precision accuracy and is best utilized at short to medium ranges for varmints and small game.$34.99 -
.45 Cal 230 Gr. JHP Sports Master
Bullets, Defend Specialty, HandgunThe 230 grain #8805 Jacketed Hollow Point (JHP) SportsMaster bullets have been designed primarily for the 45 Caliber Automatic Colt Pistol (45 ACP) cartridge. This bullets has the Sierra's Power Jacket and the same hollow point design as Sierra's 9mm and 10mm JHP SportsMaster bullets. They are suitable also for the 45 Auto Rim and the 45 Colt cartridges. The 45 Colt may require special attention when sizing cases during reloading due to a slight difference in bullet diameters. Some early 45 Colt revolvers were made for bullets of .454 inch diameter. When loaded to maximum velocities, this bullet is excellent for hunting up to large-size varmints and it is a very effective self-defense round. This bullet is an outstanding choice for all around use in the 45 ACP.$49.99 -
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.243 Cal 100 Gr. TGK
Bullets, Hunt, RifleFeatures Optimal jacket wall thickness controls expansion and retains weight Open pocket under the polymer tip expands lead core instantly on impact Tuned ogive for industry-leading BC Boat tail design for stable flight and accuracy Introducing the Sierra GameChanger hunting bullet: the perfect combination of Sierra’s legendary match accuracy coupled with deadly penetration. Sierra re-engineered their legendary MatchKing bullet into a hollow point design for quick expansion and fitted it with a transparent green tip for ballistic uniformity. Inside, the GameChanger features a unique construction that utlilizes a special lead alloy surrounded by a tough copper jacket that delivers excellent penetration and expansion at a variety of ranges. It’s a GameChanger on any hunt! This is not loaded ammunition. This bullet requires a barrel twist rate of 1×8” or faster.$25.99 – $227.99 -
.264 Cal 130 GR HPBT MatchKing
Bullets, Compete, Defend, In-stock, RifleThe 6.5mm/.264 inch bore has recently enjoyed a resurgence of interest. Several rifle manufacturers currently produce 6.5x55mm sporters, exposing a new generation of shooters to this famous old Scandinavian service and hunting cartridge. Competitive HighPower and Silhouette shooters have also shown great interest in the 6.5mm bore size. While they are recognized around the world for record-setting accuracy, MatchKing® and Tipped MatchKing® bullets are not recommended for most hunting applications. Although MatchKing® and Tipped MatchKing® bullets are commonly used for varmint hunting, their design will not provide the same reliable explosive expansion at equivalent velocities in varmints compared to their lightly jacketed Hornet, Blitz or Varminter counterparts.$27.99 – $282.99 -
.284 Cal 150 Gr. TGK
Bullets, Hunt, RifleOptimal jacket wall thickness controls expansion and retains weight Open pocket under the polymer tip expands lead core instantly on impact Tuned ogive for industry-leading BC Boat tail design for stable flight and accuracy Introducing the Sierra GameChanger hunting bullet: the perfect combination of Sierra’s legendary match accuracy coupled with deadly penetration. Sierra re-engineered their legendary MatchKing bullet into a hollow point design for quick expansion and fitted it with a transparent green tip for ballistic uniformity. Inside, the GameChanger features a unique construction that utlilizes a special lead alloy surrounded by a tough copper jacket that delivers excellent penetration and expansion at a variety of ranges. It’s a GameChanger on any hunt! This is not loaded ammunition.$31.99 – $289.99 -
.30 Cal 125 Gr. TGK
Bullets, Hunt, In-stock, RifleOptimal jacket wall thickness controls expansion and retains weight Open pocket under the polymer tip expands lead core instantly on impact Tuned ogive for industry-leading BC Introducing the Sierra GameChanger hunting bullet: the perfect combination of Sierra’s legendary match accuracy coupled with deadly penetration. Sierra re-engineered their legendary MatchKing bullet into a hollow point design for quick expansion and fitted it with a green tip for ballistic uniformity. Inside, the GameChanger features a unique construction that utlilizes a special lead alloy surrounded by a tough copper jacket that delivers excellent penetration and expansion. It’s a GameChanger on any hunt! This is not loaded ammunition. **NOTE - The boxes we now offer for sale here are made with the opaque tip, designed for use from the 300 Blackout cartridge velocities.$51.99 – $248.99 -
.30 Cal 150 Gr. HP Varminter
Bullets, Hunt, RifleThis is a new addition to Sierra's 30 caliber Varminter rifle bullet offerings. It will withstand exceptionally high velocities and can be loaded in all 30 caliber cartridges, including magnums. It offers explosive expansion on varmints and small game at velocities achievable with the full range of 30 caliber cartridges. This is an ideal bullet to choose for off-season practice on varmints with any 30 caliber hunting rifle. The #2136 is new for 2020.$45.99 – $221.99 -
.30 Cal 180 Gr. TGK
Bullets, Hunt, In-stock, RifleOptimal jacket wall thickness controls expansion and retains weight Open pocket under the polymer tip expands lead core instantly on impact Tuned ogive for industry-leading BC Boat tail design for stable flight and accuracy Introducing the Sierra GameChanger hunting bullet: the perfect combination of Sierra’s legendary match accuracy coupled with deadly penetration. Sierra re-engineered their legendary MatchKing bullet into a hollow point design for quick expansion and fitted it with a transparent green tip for ballistic uniformity. Inside, the GameChanger features a unique construction that utlilizes a special lead alloy surrounded by a tough copper jacket that delivers excellent penetration and expansion at a variety of ranges. It’s a GameChanger on any hunt! This is not loaded ammunition.$36.99 – $299.99 -
.25 Cal 110 Gr. TGK
Bullets, Hunt, RifleSierra has had many requests for this bullet from our many quarter-bore friends. The tipped 110 gr. bullet offers an excellent medium-heavy weight hunting bullet with high B.C. The tipped design provides for a bullet that will be flat shooting and initiate good expansion. The heavily constructed jacket provides deep penetration. The 110 gr. will be an excellent bullet for medium and large game in most 25 caliber cartridges. The standard rate of twist in most 25 calibers is 1x10”. The exception being older 250-3000 rifles. This bullet requires a 1x10” twist or faster.$41.99 – $204.99 -
.264 Cal 105 Gr. BlitzKing
Bullets, Hunt, RifleThis very interesting new bullet was originally developed for the Sierra Prairie Enemy 6.5 Creedmoor ammunition. Tremendous explosive performance on even the smallest varmints has been its history. So many requests for the bullet as a reloading component for use in the wide array of 6.5mm cartridges has prompted Sierra to offer this bullet. Explosive expansion is a given. True match-accuracy has been easily achieved in all applications. Great varmint bullet and excellent short-range match bullet as well. These would be most excellent in the 6.5 Grendel and most other of the 6.5mm cartridges for prairie dogs, groundhogs, rock chucks, up through bobcat and coyote.$50.99 – $235.99 -
.264 Cal 140 Gr. TGK
Bullets, Hunt, RifleYou asked for it, so Sierra has provided it. Our new 140gr Tipped GameKing is designed for hunting from today’s newer cartridges using a 1-8” twist. Expansion is enhanced by the tip and penetration is regulated by the thick jacket, giving spectacular results on a wide variety of game animals. Game from the size of whitetail to possibly elk and a multiple of bears in-between could be easily taken. This bullet requires a barrel twist rate of 1×8” or faster.$52.99 – $262.99 -
.270 Cal 175 Gr. TGK
Bullets, Hunt, In-stock, RifleSierra’s new 175 gr Tipped GameKing is designed to be tough and used for heavy duty hunting work. It will hit like a hammer on big game from the great 270 Winchester as well as be right at home in any magnum cartridge. It will use a 1-8” or faster twist rate to stabilize because of its long length, but the BC’s are also extremely high because of that. The higher BC’s make it very efficient in flight so it will give a high impact velocity at distance. This bullet requires a barrel twist rate of 1×8” or faster.$52.99 – $251.99 -
.284 Cal 140 Gr. TGK
Bullets, Hunt, RifleThis is the bullet every 7-08 shooter out there has been waiting for. The thicker jacket for expansion held to industry leading standards combined with the sleek ogive and resin tip results in a highly accurate long range capable hunting bullet. This will work very well in most 7mm chambers including magnums. 140 grain bullet combined with .545 B.C. truly makes this bullet a gamechanger.$62.99 – $289.99 -
.30 Cal / 7.62mm 169 Gr. HPBT MatchKing
Bullets, Compete, Defend, RifleThis bullet was designed with one thing in mind, and that was to shoot 1000 yards in a 308 Winchester. To accomplish that, we added length to the boattail and engineered a forgiving tangent ogive with a closed nose. Doing this gave it a .527 BC which keeps it super sonic past 1000 yards in a 308 chamber. This bullet is basically a redesign of the legendary 168MK which we will continue to manufacture. Anyone that enjoys shooting medium to long range with a 308 or even the big magnums will love this bullet.$49.99 – $239.99 -
9mm 124 Gr. JHP Sports Master
Bullets, Compete, Defend, Defend Specialty, HandgunSierra brings to you another 9mm bullet designed specifically with the 9mm Luger cartridge in mind. This provides a great bullet weight for target and personal protection. This bullet should also be very accurate for use in competitive shooting. As a hunting bullet for small to medium varmints, the 124 SportsMaster will be a great performer. Very reliable for feed and function in most firearms including the PC carbines that are very popular at this time.$28.99 – $129.99 -
.30 Cal 115 Gr. HP Varminter
Bullets, Hunt, In-stock, RifleSierra is now offering our #2116 0.308” 115gr HP Varminter as a Green Box item. Originally offered in our 300 AAC Blackout #A2116-33 ammo, it has given proper feeding and functioning in all forms of firearms chambered for this cartridge. From the 300AAC, it is perfectly suited for varmint use up to a medium sized game animal like whitetail with proper shot placements, but it can also be used from a wide variety of other cartridges. From a faster velocity cartridge, like a 308 Winchester, it would be better suited for varmints as it will give an exceptionally deadly expansion quality. It has a 0.267 G1 BC so it will travel well, even out to 250 yards and possibly more with the right zero.$34.99 – $160.99 -
9mm 147 Gr. JHP V-Crown
Bullets, Defend, Handgun, Hunt, In-stock, ProtectSierra Bullets has partnered with Sig Sauer to bring you the ultimate defense bullet line, delivering optimal weight retention and expansion at all effective distances, combined with Sierra’s world-renowned accuracy. The line features a stacked hollow point bullet design with an additional hollow point cavity. The locking groove was added to provide a controlled expansion quality while keeping the weight retention at an ideally high level. The new #9947 147gr JHP is heavy weight used to provide sub-sonic velocities from cartridges like the 9x19 (9mm Luger) and can be an ideal combination from an SBR style firearm.$37.99 – $155.99 -
.45 Cal 185 Gr. JHP Sports Master
Bullets, Defend Specialty, Handgun, In-stock, Protect SpecialtySierra’s new #8835 185gr JHP Sports Master is a redesign of our original #8800. It has a smooth transition from the bearing surface to the ogive, and a rounder ogive profile, as well as a new hollow cavity in the nose. These new features have created a bullet that has given us a very good expansion quality and reliability from velocities associated with the 45ACP cartridge. It was originally designed for use from the 45ACP but can be used in others like the 45 Auto Rim and even the 45 Colt when certain conditions are met. If you have any questions about use or proper loading techniques, call our 800-223-8799 number and talk to a Tech, we’ll be happy to help.$43.99 -
.30 Cal / 7.62mm 177 Gr. HPBT MatchKing
Bullets, Compete, Defend, RifleMatchKings® are the pride of the Sierra bullet family, unmatched worldwide and truly world class in all respects. Competitive shooters have relied on the consistent accuracy of Sierra's MatchKings® for decades, resulting in a history of state, national and world records that is the envy of our competitors. Our new #2277 has incorporated designs to make a long range match bullet better. It still keeps the exceptional shoot-ability that our 175gr provides, but utilizes a closed nose meplat and other subtle features to raise the BC's to a 0.545 G1. In most cases, a reloader can use their previously developed load data and die settings from the 175gr as a starting point to work from and easily find accuracy. Sierra MatchKing® bullets have set the standards worldwide for consistent accuracy in handguns as well as rifles. Since the introduction of the high performance Remington XP-100 and similar handguns chambering larger rifle cartridges, all 30 caliber MatchKings® have been used in handgun silhouettes and long-range target competitions. Sierra's famous MatchKing® design assures superb accuracy, flat trajectory, and high momentum delivery with low sensitivity to crosswinds at all ranges. While they are recognized around the world for record-setting accuracy, MatchKing® and Tipped MatchKing® bullets are not recommended for most hunting applications. Although MatchKing® and Tipped MatchKing® bullets are commonly used for varmint hunting, their design will not provide the same reliable explosive expansion at equivalent velocities in varmints compared to their lightly jacketed Hornet, Blitz or Varminter counterparts.$51.99 – $244.99 -
.264 Cal 120 Gr. TGK
Bullets, Hunt, RifleIntroduced in 2023 as a deer/hog bullet for the 6.5 Grendel cartridge. With a very respectable B.C. value of .466(G1), providing flat trajectories combined with lethal terminal performance of the renowned TGK line reputation. Showing dependable penetration and reliable controlled expansion has made this projectile a Sierra Team favorite. This new Sierra TGK offering is sure to be a hit with the Grendel fans, both AR shooters and bolt action fans as well. The maximum velocity for deer/medium game should be 2800fps.
Those that are looking for an exciting varmint bullet in the 6.5 Creedmoor, 260 Remington, 6.5x55 Swede and larger cartridges, the 120 TGK will do an excellent job on coyotes and smaller vermin. Very flat shooting and dependable expansion make this very attractive. Provides a heavy varmint bullet that has greater wind deflection over lighter bullets, plus more penetration for larger varmints
Contact the Sierra Tech’s for load data at 800-223-8799 or sierra@sierrabullets.com