New Addition to Sierra Tech Team

New Addition to Sierra Tech Team
July 21, 2021 Caleb DeFord

New Addition to Sierra Tech Team

By Justin Pirtle

Hello fellow shooters! My name is Justin Pirtle, and I am the newest addition to the tech team here in the 800 room at Sierra Bullets.

I was born and raised in southern Missouri, and was fortunate to be born into a family that enjoyed hunting together as well as reloading, and shooting in general. In my early 20’s while I was in the military, I started to develop an interest in hunting with handguns. After my time in the service was up, it lead to a more serious involvement in my reloading. Some of my first hunting pistols were T/C Contender’s in calibers I had previously only read about in the back of reloading manuals and dismissed with little to no thought as to their practical usefulness. After a considerable amount of trial and error (and no small amount of reading), I was able to learn how to load for and shoot them fairly well. After taking game with them in the field, I have been hooked on handgun hunting ever since, although most of my handgun hunting in the past few years has been with a Ruger Blackhawk in .41 Mag instead of the trusty contenders.

I look forward to helping you, my fellow shooters and reloaders, in any way that I can, and l also look forward to hearing your stories of success, both in the field and on the range and feel fortunate to help grow the fraternity that makes up the brotherhood of shooters and sportsmen alike.

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